Poems of Faith


Oliver was witty
And Oliver was cute.
When Oliver was six years old
He learned to play the flute.
But Oliver would not obey.
He always broke the law.
His mom said, “Time to close your eyes
And meet ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.”

He closed his eyes up tightly.
He clasped his hands and prayed.
A voice came thundering through his ears:
“Rules are to be obeyed.”
Then Oliver heard laughter.
He smiled and blinked his eyes.
In that short time his heart had learned
To listen and be wise.

Now Oliver remembers
The laughter and the voice.
He tries to do the wisest thing
When given a free choice.
He’s learned to listen and obey
When Mom explains the law.
He still is cute, still plays the flute
And loves ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Wisdom PDF

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