Poems of Friends


The world is a wonderful place to be

But when night is too dark and the voices too loud,
When our bright smiles and waves are ignored by the crowd
When the folks we love most are too angry or proud
Light your lamp.
Come with Me.

Beauty surrounds us abundantly

But when friends we hold tightly have lost their own way
When shadows are with us all hours of the day
When sad disappointments seem destined to stay
Light your lamp.
Come with Me.

We’ll scrub up our hearts ‘til they’re shiny and clean
We’ll sit close together and pray
O, the lamps of our spirits will glow with our love
And the darkness will wither away.

Yes, this world is a wonderful place to be

But remember, when tulips are buried by snow
When clouds hide the stars in the sky, row by row
We can search for the Voice deep inside we all know
“Light your lamp.
Come with Me.”

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